Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Blurb Books - Portfolio

So, as a graduating graphic design student, I'm in those last few weeks of school where we all panic and rip our hair out. But I have to say, that working with Blurb to make my portfolio book for my exit review has helped me keep at least one small patch of hair.

This is the second book I have designed and had printed with Blurb, and I would recommend them to anyone who's thinking about making a book for any reason! The books printed exactly like I had hoped they would and the quality is spot on - plus they stick to their estimated print and delivery dates, which is extremely helpful for last minute orders (not that I wait until then...). And you can use your own program to design it (if you're a nerdy designer like me) or you can use their easily downloaded and easy-to-use software (if you're not a nerdy designer, or maybe if you're a lazy one).

Anyways, short post today but wanted to give a shout out to this group! They do an amazing job and make my life at least a little easier!

Check them out here:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hi all!

So, I've decided that I wanted to start my own blog about design (and everything else I love). I'm always finding great websites/tutorials/printed designs/etc... that I get really excited about and I want to be able to share them. Plus, I wish there as a great blog I could follow that talked about some of these things. So, this is where I'm starting with this blog.

I'll start my first post by just sharing a little about myself. I'm currently living in Alabama, which is both awesome and disappointed at the same time, (depending on the day). I am graduating from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a degree in graphic design (studio arts, if we're getting technical) and marketing. I'm looking for a job, but have decided that I want to grow my own identity as a designer and consider freelancing right now as well. On a personal (and quite random) note, I love love love sweets, dogs, and coloring in coloring books.

As far as design goes, I have so many ideas and philosophies jumbled together. I love all things mixed media - fabrics, thread, buttons, collage, etc..., and growing up in a house full of crafts, anything craft-related is up my alley. But I also have a love for so many different areas of study that I like to bring some of these subjects into my work - photography, science, art history, literature, psychology, architecture, etc... - which makes for some really interesting works. (Speaking of photography, there isn't too much that I love doing more than taking photos. I hope to be sharing some of these with all of you as well.)

Overall, I love design that is available to everyone. That is, I prefer design that any average person can enjoy, even if for thousands of different reasons than the next person. It doesn't matter to me so much that everyone understands what the artist is saying, but what's more important, is that everyone can take away something from a piece of art or design, even is if its something simple, like a good laugh or smile. And that brings me to my next point - I love art and design with sense of humor.

And on that note, I'd like to leave you today with a link to an artist with an amazing sense of humor:

Be sure to check out his Relics of 1987 in the gallery for a laugh. But also be sure to check out the rest of his works - he makes amazing images out of everyday objects, like chocolate, pasta, and sugar.